Stripe tag

2 results for stripe tag. View blog tags

Testing Stripe Payments

posted by 7 years ago and updated 5 years ago

While testing a checkout process in one of our applications we were trying to test the stripe payment.

Our application is based on Laravel. In our integrating testing we use Behat and Selenium2 for javascript.

Our form used the elements in Stripe, which inject an iframe into our website.

To test our application with Behat we had to jump in

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Extend Larvel's Cashier to use our own Subscription model

posted by 6 years ago and updated 5 years ago

We love Laravel! It is our go to framework for php development projects. At times though we run into trouble using it.

This time we wanted to change the way Laravel\Cashier was working. We wanted to extend the Subscription model. and have Laravel/Cashier use that model.

Why Extend the Subscription Model of Cashier?

Because we wanted t

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